Child Find

Round Rock ISD Special Education staff identify and provide an appropriate education for all individuals ages three through twenty-one who qualify for the District’s special education services.
Children Birth to 3 Years
Early Intervention services are also available for children birth – age 3, please call the HHS Office of the Ombudsman at 1-877-787-8999, select a language, and then select Option 3. The Ombudsman staff will ask for your zip code, county or city and provide the name and number of the local ECI program. Callers with hearing impairment may use the relay option of their choice or dial 7-1-1 to connect with Relay Texas.

ECI for Williamson County 512-244-8356

Children 3 to 5 Years

Thank you for your interest in Round Rock ISD’s Early Childhood Special Education Services. ECSE provides specialized instruction and services to children ages 3 to 5 who have been identified with at least one disability as defined by TEA and who demonstrate a need for specialized instruction. Please click the button below to complete the Child Find for Early Childhood Special Education Services form and we will contact you regarding your child and your interest in special education services.

Child Find for Early Childhood Special Education Services/Child Find de los servicios de educación especial para la primera infancia

For more information, please contact:

Kellie Johnson
Early Childhood Assistant Director for Special Education

Students 5 to 21 Years
I am moving to Round Rock ISD and my child has special education services through our current district. What is the enrollment process?

  • All campuses in Round Rock ISD are equipped to provide a range of special education services.
  • Begin by enrolling your child at the home campus based on your address.
    Enrollment site
    How to find your home school
  • Reach out to the campus Registrar to let them know your child accesses special education services. If you are able to provide the most recent evaluation (Full Individual Evaluation or FIE) and/or paperwork from the most recent IEP/ARD meeting, that would be helpful!
  • The team on your child’s home campus will work to determine how Round Rock ISD can most closely match services to the most recent recommendations from your last school. If a specialized classroom is required, but not available on the home campus, the home campus will coordinate with parents to identify the closest available classroom and transportation will be available.
  • Parents will be invited to a meeting with the campus staff to review recommendations and discuss any further information that is required.

My family homeschools/attends a local private school. What services/supports are available to us?

  • Proportionate Share is a program where a student can access a portion of the services on their IEP (Individual Education Program) while continuing to access homeschool or private school. Please contact Child Find for more information.
    My child attends a charter school and we live in Round Rock ISD boundaries. What services/supports are available to us?
    Charter schools are public schools that receive federal funding. Special education services should be addressed by charter school staff.

My child attends a private school. What services/supports are available to us?

  • Depending on the type of school and where it is physically located, our staff can help you determine what local school district is responsible for providing supports/evaluation services. Please contact Child Find and include your home address, the name and address of your child’s private school, and whether your child has ever been evaluated for school-based special education services.

If you have further questions please contact Child Find or call the Round Rock ISD Special Education Office at (512) 464-5140.