In 2017, the 85th Texas Legislature passed House Bill (HB) 1886, amending Texas Education Code (TEC) §38.003, Screening and Treatment for Dyslexia to require that all kindergarten and first-grade public school students be screened for dyslexia and related disorders. Additionally, the law requires that all students beyond first grade be screened or tested as appropriate. Screening is not a formal evaluation.
Texas Education Code §28.006, Reading Diagnosis, requires each school district to administer to students in kindergarten, first grade, and second grade a reading instrument to diagnose student reading development and comprehension. This law also requires school districts to administer a reading instrument at the beginning of seventh grade to students who did not demonstrate reading proficiency on the sixth-grade state reading assessment.

Please note: If you suspect your child has a disability that may require special education services, you have the right to request a Full Individual and Initial Evaluation (FIIE) under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). Please contact your child’s campus administrator for more information.
State and Federal Law Regarding Early Identification and Intervention Prior to Formal Evaluation
Texas Education Code (TEC) §28.006, Reading Diagnosis
This state statute requires schools to administer early reading instruments to all students in kindergarten and grades 1 and 2 to assess their reading development and comprehension. Additionally, the law requires a reading instrument from the commissioner’s approved list be administered at the beginning of grade 7 to any student who did not demonstrate proficiency on the sixth-grade reading assessment administered under TEC §39.023(a). If on the basis of the reading instrument results, students are determined to be at risk for dyslexia or other reading difficulties, the school must notify the students’ parents/guardians. According to TEC §28.006(g), the school must also implement an accelerated (intensive) reading program that appropriately addresses the students’ reading difficulties and enables them to catch up with their typically performing peers.
TEC §38.003, Screening and Treatment for Dyslexia
Texas state law requires that public school students be screened and tested as appropriate for dyslexia and related disorders at appropriate times in accordance with a program approved by the SBOE. The program approved by the SBOE must include screening for each student at the end of the kindergarten year and then again during first grade.
Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) as reauthorized by the Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015 (ESSA)
The services offered to students who are reported to be at risk for dyslexia or other reading difficulties should alight to the requirements of ESSSA, which requires schools to implement comprehensive literacy instruction featuring “age-appropriate, explicit, systematic, and intentional instruction in phonological awareness, phonic decoding, vocabulary, language structure, reading fluency, and reading comprehension” (ESSA, 2015)
Equal Education Opportunity Act (EEOA)
This civil rights law ensures that all students are given equal access to educational services regardless of race, color, sex, religion, or national origin. Therefore, research-based interventions are to be provided to all students experiencing difficulties in reading, including ELs, regardless of their proficiency in English.
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)
The most recent reauthorization of this federal act is consistent with ESSA in emphasizing quality of instruction and documentation of student progress. A process based on the student’s response to scientific, research-based intervention is one of the criteria included in IDEA that individual states may use to determine when a student has a specific learning disability, including dyslexia.
Screening In Round Rock ISD for Kindergarten and First Grade
mCLASS is the instrument used to screen students in Round Rock ISD. mClass is an all-in-one system for Science of Reading-based universal screening, dyslexia screening, and progress monitoring. Powered by DIBELS® 8th Edition, mCLASS helps you measure and strengthen the foundational skills that all students need to become confident readers.
Additionally, teachers observe students as they form sounds or read words and text. Then, mCLASS instantly scores and analyzes student response patterns to provide you with diagnostic data and instructional focus for each student and group.
Dyslexia screening encompasses several critical skills shown to underlie dyslexia risk:
- Phonological awareness: The ability to recognize and manipulate the sound structure of language
- Rapid automatized naming: The ability to quickly retrieve information from phonological memory
- Alphabetic principle: The ability to associate letters with sounds and to blend those sounds into words
- Word reading: The ability to fluently and accurately read words using sound-symbol correspondences and sight word recognition.
Student Group
When administered
Skills measured
At the end of the school year
Letter sound knowledge or letter naming fluency AND phonological awareness
First Grade
Word reading accuracy and fluency AND phonological awareness
Behaviors observed during screening for Kindergarten and First grade:
- Lack of automaticity
- Difficulty sounding out words left to right
- Guessing
- Self-Correcting
- Inability to focus on reading
- Avoidance behavior
Universal Screening for All Students 2nd to 7th Grades
Student Group
When administered
Skills measured
2nd – 5th Grade
7th Grade
Beginning of year (BOY)
Middle of year (MOY)
End of year (EOY)
Oral reading fluency
Reading comprehension
After students are screened, parents will receive a “Home Connect” letter that outlines student performance on the screeners. For more information regarding Home Connect, see mClass Home Connect.
mClass Home Connect Letters will be sent:
1st Grade- no later than Spring Break
Kindergarten- on/before the last day of school.
If you have any questions, please contact your child’s teacher.